Andreas Skiadopoulos

Andreas Skiadopoulos

Human Movement Scientist

Research Foundation of the CUNY

College of Staten Island


I am a human movement scientist with extensive education and rigorous postdoctoral training in neuromechanics. My research involves conducting experiments using transcranial magnetic stimulation and non-invasive spinal cord electrical stimulation in healthy humans and patients after spinal cord injury. A major focus of my ongoing research is to delineate how non-invasive electrical stimulation of the spinal cord affects motor behavior and neurorecovery after spinal cord injury.

  • Biomechanics
  • Neurophysiology
  • Motor Variability
  • Motor Neuroscience
  • PhD Movement Science, 2016

    University of Extremadura

  • MSc Movement Science, 2007

    University of Extremadura

  • Residency in Adapted Physical Education, 2002

    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / KU Leuven

  • BS Physical Education and Sports Science, 2002

    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Academic Appointments

CUNY College of Staten Island
Research Associate
Aug 2021 – Present New York
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Research Associate
Jul 2017 – Jun 2021 Nebraska
University of Extremadura
Apr 2016 – Jun 2017 Spain




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(2024). Tapping into the human spinal locomotor centres with transspinal stimulation. Scientific Reports.

Cite Project DOI

(2024). Soleus H-reflex amplitude modulation during walking remains physiological during transspinal stimulation in humans. Experimental Brain Research.

Cite Project DOI

(2023). Priming locomotor training with transspinal stimulation in people with spinal cord injury: study protocol of a randomized clinical trial. Trials.

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(2023). Leveraging a virtual alley with continuously varying width modulates step width variability during self-paced treadmill walking. Neuroscience Letters.

Cite Project DOI

(2022). Physiological effects of cathodal electrode configuration for transspinal stimulation in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology.

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(2021). Obstacle system to be integrated into treadmills. PT116224A.

Cite Google Patents European Patent Office

(2021). Networking and computing in biomechanical research: challenges and directions. IEEE Communications Magazine.

Cite DOI

(2021). Rhythmic auditory stimuli modulate movement recovery in response to perturbation during locomotion. Journal of Experimental Biology.

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(2021). Irregular metronomes as assistive devices to promote healthy gait patterns. IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (Best Paper Award).

Cite DOI

(2020). Step width variability as a discriminator of age-related gait changes. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.

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(2020). Power spectrum and filtering. Biomechanics and Gait Analysis.

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(2018). Evaluation of the surgical performance, workload and ergonomics during the urethrovesical anastomosis performed with a handheld robotic needle holder. Surgical Endoscopy.

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(2018). Laparoscopic cutting and suturing using the radius r2 drive instruments: surgical performance and ergonomics. Surgical Endoscopy.

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(2018). Three-dimensional kinematic gait analysis in patients with spastic diplegia. Rehabilitación.

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(2017). Full-body kinematic-analysis based on inertial sensors during the use of a novel robotic-driven handheld laparoscopic instrument. Surgical Endoscopy.

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(2017). Study of the pressure exerted on the fingers and palm of the hand during the use of a robotic handled laparoscopic needle holder. Surgical Endoscopy.

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(2017). 3D kinematic analysis of the adopted posture during urethrovesical anastomosis performed with a robotized laparoscopic needle holder. British Journal of Surgery.

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(2016). 3D kinematics of surgeons’ upper-arm rotation in laparoscopy. 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.

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(2016). Analysis of the pressure exerted by the surgeon's hand and fingers using a novel robotic laparoscopic instrument during urethrovesical anastomosis. Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons.

Cite URL

(2015). Head stabilization during minimal invasive surgery tasks: An uncontrolled manifold analysis. Procedia Manufacturing.

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(2014). Random error propagation analysis in center of pressure signal. IEEE 5th RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics.

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(2014). A method to assess upper-body postural variability in laparoscopic surgery. IEEE 5th RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics.

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(2014). Musculoskeletal problems in physiotherapists. Fisioterapia.

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(2013). Model-based reinforcement of Kinect depth data for human motion capture applications. Sensors (Switzerland).

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(2008). Problemas músculo-esqueléticos en los cirujanos de laparoscopia. Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.

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